Below are the article due dates and deadlines for Issue # 4.
Third Quarter
TH, March 5 - Article # 3 due at start of class
MON, March 16 - Article # 4 due by 2:00 p.m.
MON, March 23 - Article # 5 due at start of class
WED, March 25 - Third Quarter Portfolio due by end of class
Fourth Quarter
TH, April 30 - Article # 1 due at start of class (This is the first article to be considered for our final Spotlight issue of the year.)
As for editing, here is what I am planning to do in class:
* Edit article content, get extra quotes, check facts - 4/2, 4/3
* Edit articles for quality, length, and the 5 Reverence Steps - 4/6,4/8,4/9
* Edit page layouts (everything layed out by Monday, 4/13) - 4/13, 4/14, 4/15
* Final check on 4/16. Send to printer at end of day on 4/16.
Distribute Monday, April 27.
As for the article types, for Third Quarter everyone needs to have written a news, editorial, feature, and two of your choice. Regarding the choice articles, write to your strengths or interests, or what the flow of news and events dictates. Work with the editors to see what needs to be covered, or propose your own ideas.
The article requirements remain the same. Please consult either the First or Second Quarter Journalism Article Expectations handouts for the info. Don't forget photos!
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