Wednesday, January 30, 2008

In their own words

Here is what my current group of journalism students said they would like to work on for third quarter:

- Make my writing more interesting… draw the reader in… intrigue and capture the reader

- Learn more about the nuts and bolts of writing quality news stories

- Write smoothly, ensure writing flows

- Connect with a variety of readers

- Learn techniques for gathering information in an efficient way

- Learn about ways to write a book review that’s intriguing and exciting, yet does not give the book away

- Improve comma usage and come up with fresh phrases and sentences that aren’t repetitive

- Learn about writing objective news stories when one clearly has a personal bias either for or against a topic or person… how do you keep yourself out of it?

- Gather and use more insightful quotes that significantly contribute to an article

- Learn more about how photographs compliment an article

- Learn more about newspaper production as a whole

- Improve the quality of review writing, specifically dining reviews

- Techniques on how to overcome writer’s block

All great stuff that we will be sure to cover!

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